- new book - Hurley seen flipping through "Laughter in the Dark" by Vladimir Nabokov
- right after Locke says "You know what it is" to Charlie, Desmond starts doing his "thing". It looks like he's having Deja Vu and he's trying to figure out what comes next and in a hurry (which he does). Perhaps his entire life from birth to death flashed before his eyes, and he's not really seeing the future, but remembering an instance from the life flash (which after it happened, is somehow still with him in his brain/subconscious, giving him the appearance of being able to see the future). My brain can't quite grasp this whole thing just yet...
- Desmond holding Locke at gunpoint as he confronts Jack for the first time
- Desmond with the "oh no, you've killed us all" look after Kate accidentally shoots the Hatch compy
- Desmond trying to fix the Hatch compy
- the Hatch compy frying after Desmond fails to fix it
- Desmond yelling at Jack in the jungle as he tries to run away
- Desmond all drunk in the boat when Jack, Sawyer, and Sayid found him
- Desmond sitting on the beach drinking Dharma liquor
- Desmond seeing the printout from the Pearl
- another "oh no" look as Locke smashes the Hatch compy
- yet another "oh no" look from Desmond
- what looks like explosions as Desmond crawls to get to the Failsafe
- Desmond about to turn the Failsafe Key
- turning the key
- cut to Desmond's Eye (now he's in his flat with Penny)
- when Desmond's eye opens, you can see the reflection of the blinds that were in the Hatch
- 1:08 on clock
- "If my father is too daft to see how brilliant you are, its not the end of the world"
- microwave beeping like Hatch timer
- "delivery for 815"
- first off, just seeing Charlie to begin with
- Charlie saying "can I get some help" **this is what triggers Desmond to remember the Island, etc. while reliving his past
- "Make your own kind of Music" playing in the bar when Desmond talks to Donovan, his physicist friend
- here's a few shots of Charles Widmore's office:
- the first thing out of the shopkeeper's mouth was "haven't done this before, have you?" - she KNOWS whats up.
- "if you don't do every one of those things, every single one of us is dead" - so the fate of the world is on Desmond's shoulders?
- just like Desmond can now on the Island, the shopkeeper has the same ability in Desmond's "past" to "see the future" (the red shoed man)
- "that man was supposed to die, that was his path" - sounds an awful lot like "he was a sacrifice the Island demanded" and "Eko was killed for a reason, I just haven't figured out what it is yet"
- "you must go to the Island" and "pushing that button is the greatest thing you will ever do" sounds to me like she wants/needs him to go to the Island - she's "in" on it....somehow....
- the photographer only takes ONE picture of Des and Penny. Desmond has one on the Island, and Penny also has one that we see on her nightstand in the S2 finale. How do they BOTH have a copy of the picture?
- when Des pitched the ring into the river, it reminded me alot of Isildur losing the One Ring
- we get a slightly better shot than the one in "Further Instructions" of the remains of the Hatch here too:
- I'd like to close out with another great shot that I call "And then it started to rain":
Enjoy! :)
I thought the guy with the delivery at first said "password for 815", and then when asked what he said, he changed it to "delivery for 815"
Oh, and did you also notice all the things in Charles Widmore's office that were from the island? There was some stuff (like a polar bear) in that collage painting just over Desmond's shoulder. The same whiskey Charlie tempted him with on the beach. A replica of the boat Desmond had sailed in that race, which Widmore also mentions to him.
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