- "Oops"
- Here's a few caps of Jin kickin butt. Bruce Lee would be proud.
- here's that nice shot of Sun sittin on the beach:
- "we do not live in a world where there are no questions asked" says Mr. Paik to Sun. Um....hey buddy, what show are YOU watchin?? Well, okay, Sayid and Sun have been askin some good questions this season. ;)
- Paik's safe combo (that was seen) 7347, and he enters 3 or 4 more that we don't see.
- damn....Sun showin some of her badass self in this eppy; first tellin her father that she knows what he really does but will stay quiet if he gives her the money she asked for (blackmail), and then she threatens to have Jin's mother offed if she doesn't disappear!
- as far as the plane being found and there not being any survivors - I am in the camp that another plane was faked to look like Flight 815 and everyone was dead, so that no one would come looking for anyone on board. Too bad they don't know Penny is lookin for Desmond, who was NOT on Flight 815.
- and I'll close with a goofy cap. :P I paused the eppy to get a drink and this just happened to be where I paused it, and when I came back with my drink, I almost spit it up! :P I call it "I...I need...(finish the sentence)":
Enjoy! :)
Til next week.