- "I want to know what you people are doing on this Island; why you're terrorizing us; making Lists; kidnapping children. I want to know EVERYTHING." - you and me both, Sayid. But at least you're askin the right questions now.
- the look on Sayid's face when Jack tells him what to do in regards to Juliet is priceless....I call it "say wha?!?"
- "I know it sounds like 6 months is like an eternity, but you'll be amazed how time flies once you're there" - a direct quote from Richard Alpert. Once again, a hint about TIME not being normal on the Island.....remember, only fools are enslaved by time and space.
- about the trip to the Island: "It can be kind of intense", "the last leg can be a little bumpy". I hope we actually get to see how one would get from the Island to the outside world and vice versa.
- I would like to know what is heard being spoken right before Juliet wakes up on the sub. All I can make out is the first voice saying "Did you get anything out of her?" but I can't hear the reply cause the music is too loud. Calling rvturnage....
- And why was Juliet hoarse from the trip? Was it cause of the tranquilizer she was given?
- this here is an awesome shot of Juliet realizing where she is:
- when Hurley told Juliet where they buried Ethan, I was like "omg what if Ethan had a "list" on him that Juliet needed and she had to dig up his grave!?!" ZOMBIE ETHAN!!
- "Jacob said he would take care of it himself, unless you don't have any faith in Him"......so either this mysterious JACOB character can cure cancer, or Ben lied (once again) about Juliet's sisters cancer returning. Remember what he said to Juliet in the Pearl "I find out what people care most about, and I exploit it" This sure sounds to me like Ben was doing just that to Juliet here.
- Juliet's whole "moral police" rant to Sayid and Sawyer reminded me so much of Ben's manipulations.
- it seems like the Flame was close to Othersville if Ben and Juliet were able to just take a little walk to it after the plane crashed.
- so as Juliet is being revealed as a Mole, she looks at JIN, SUN, and DESMOND. Foreshadowing things to come.....cool.
- and I'll close with a nice shot of Jack and Juliet sittin on the beach:
Til Next week. ;)
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