- nice shot of "the hike" to see the tree blow up:
- "Ben is using one of the Dharma stations to block all of the signals off the Island except for ours" says Juliet
- "there was an accident. Ben told us it was completely flooded" says Juliet about the Looking Glass Hatch. I wonder if there really WAS an accident, but Ben just lied about it being flooded and unoccupied.
- I'm trying to figure out what this portion of the Looking Glass map says. It starts with "Control Room", then 3 words I can't figure out, and the last word is also "room".
- here's a nice cap of Karl as he rows to warn the Losties:
- "Mom gave you that, it was her fathers, and his fathers before that" - so Charlie's mother's maiden name is Stratton.
- "Mom would've wanted it this way" - so is Charlie and Liam's mother dead?
- I'd just like to add that Michael Giacchino has done it again. The score for "Greatest Hits" was so well done, so powerful and moving.
- and I'll close with this shot of Charlie about to dive into certain death:
Next week is going to be INSANE!!
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