Okay folks, so you may have noticed me slacking off here.
No need to remind me, I'm well aware. *neener neener*
The reality of it is - I'm involved in too many things to keep up.
So for the time being, this page will be officially UNDER CONSTRUCTION until at least the end of S4. For that I apologize to those of you who have been reading here, but fear not, what ends up here is first posted at www.losttv-forum.com - so you won't miss any of my ramblings. :)
Hopefully, when I'm back up and running here, I'll be back in FORCE with lotsa caps and maybe even a redesign of the page.....who knows. ;)
Enjoy the S4 finale!! :D
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
S4E09 "The Shape of Things to Come"
Holy crap what a way to get back into it!!!!
First round notes:
- Jack is sick
- code is still 1623 for sonar fence
- "They're here" - just chilling
- about the name on Ben's DHARMA jacket: Edgar Halliwax aka Marvin Candle aka Mark Wickman. His jacket. Note the injury to the arm. This is how MARVIN CANDLE LOST HIS ARM!!!!! WHEEEEEE!!!!!
- October 2005 is Ben/Sayid FF
- Ben lies to Sayid about how he got off island, says he used Elizabeth.
- OH NO!!!! Keamy killed Alex!!! I hope they kill him good. DEATH TO KEAMY!!!! KILL KILL KILL!!!!
- "He changed the rules" - oh snap.
- Who wants to translate that Morse Code for REAL?
- Why can't Ben kill Widmore?
- OH CRAP!!! Now Ben wants to kill Penny!!!
- "It was always mine" says Widmore.....WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!?!?!?!? Does Widmore's lineage run EARLIER THAN HANSO'S?!?!?!?!
Okay, I can't breathe. I need a minute or two or three.....
First round notes:
- Jack is sick
- code is still 1623 for sonar fence
- "They're here" - just chilling
- about the name on Ben's DHARMA jacket: Edgar Halliwax aka Marvin Candle aka Mark Wickman. His jacket. Note the injury to the arm. This is how MARVIN CANDLE LOST HIS ARM!!!!! WHEEEEEE!!!!!
- October 2005 is Ben/Sayid FF
- Ben lies to Sayid about how he got off island, says he used Elizabeth.
- OH NO!!!! Keamy killed Alex!!! I hope they kill him good. DEATH TO KEAMY!!!! KILL KILL KILL!!!!
- "He changed the rules" - oh snap.
- Who wants to translate that Morse Code for REAL?
- Why can't Ben kill Widmore?
- OH CRAP!!! Now Ben wants to kill Penny!!!
- "It was always mine" says Widmore.....WHAT THE BLOODY HELL?!?!?!?!? Does Widmore's lineage run EARLIER THAN HANSO'S?!?!?!?!
Okay, I can't breathe. I need a minute or two or three.....
Thursday, March 20, 2008
S4E08 "Meet Kevin Johnson"
HOLY CRAP that was just AWESOME!!!!
Lotsa notes on this one.
- "No more secrets" - well its about time!!
- "I'm here to die" - based on the preview "someone will die", I called misdirection with this one.
- MAP MAP MAP!!!! And a TEMPLE Dharma logo!!!
- TIMELINE Question - how long between Michael leaving the Island and the Freighter arriving?
- LIBBY in a dream!! Kinda like Charlie appearing to Hurley (not this time, but later when we see her on the boat). The Island is much more powerful than we know.
- Walt is OFF ISLAND living with Michael's mom (who also was in "The Lady Killers" ) and we actually SEE WALT so there's no argument there.
- Mike sold Jin's watch!! Oh no!!
- "How about for an old friend" - its Mr. Friendly!!
- so Mike told Walt about killing Ana and Libby.....
- "You cant kill yourself, the Island won't let you"
- Hotel Earl
- Mike sees the Find815 report, turns to the Ben-side. I'd say "dark side" but I really don't know who the "good guys" are anymore....
- Tom kisses his male friend. Great. Thanks for the ensuing headache TPTB. Not like we didn't put this together from his "you're not my type, Kate" comment, but lets just rub it in. Nah, I'm sure you folks won't go nuts with this one.
- WIDMORE FAKED THE CRASH - Tom shows PROOF to Mike. Time to bump my thread in the TLE forum.
- hahaha - they scratched out the KAHANA's name - as if we didn't know it already.
- Miles knows Kevin isn't "Kevin".
- TIMELINE Question again - when could Tom have been gone? What was happening On-Island at the time?
- 71776 to activate bomb
- I'd bet the "innocent" freighties are the team of 4 from "Confirmed Dead".
- Karl dies. But I'll bet my bottom dollar that Danielle is NOT DEAD. Not without a FB eppy. Simply put - NO WAY IN HELL. Period. Nuff Said.
- "Wait, I'm Ben's Daughter!!" - holy crap what a way to end!!! WHO WAS SHOOTING AT THEM?!?!?!?!??
And the "preview" confirmed the O6 as Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and AARON. So that's that.
Now we wait.......
Lotsa notes on this one.
- "No more secrets" - well its about time!!
- "I'm here to die" - based on the preview "someone will die", I called misdirection with this one.
- MAP MAP MAP!!!! And a TEMPLE Dharma logo!!!
- TIMELINE Question - how long between Michael leaving the Island and the Freighter arriving?
- LIBBY in a dream!! Kinda like Charlie appearing to Hurley (not this time, but later when we see her on the boat). The Island is much more powerful than we know.
- Walt is OFF ISLAND living with Michael's mom (who also was in "The Lady Killers" ) and we actually SEE WALT so there's no argument there.
- Mike sold Jin's watch!! Oh no!!
- "How about for an old friend" - its Mr. Friendly!!
- so Mike told Walt about killing Ana and Libby.....
- "You cant kill yourself, the Island won't let you"
- Hotel Earl
- Mike sees the Find815 report, turns to the Ben-side. I'd say "dark side" but I really don't know who the "good guys" are anymore....
- Tom kisses his male friend. Great. Thanks for the ensuing headache TPTB. Not like we didn't put this together from his "you're not my type, Kate" comment, but lets just rub it in. Nah, I'm sure you folks won't go nuts with this one.
- WIDMORE FAKED THE CRASH - Tom shows PROOF to Mike. Time to bump my thread in the TLE forum.
- hahaha - they scratched out the KAHANA's name - as if we didn't know it already.
- Miles knows Kevin isn't "Kevin".
- TIMELINE Question again - when could Tom have been gone? What was happening On-Island at the time?
- 71776 to activate bomb
- I'd bet the "innocent" freighties are the team of 4 from "Confirmed Dead".
- Karl dies. But I'll bet my bottom dollar that Danielle is NOT DEAD. Not without a FB eppy. Simply put - NO WAY IN HELL. Period. Nuff Said.
- "Wait, I'm Ben's Daughter!!" - holy crap what a way to end!!! WHO WAS SHOOTING AT THEM?!?!?!?!??
And the "preview" confirmed the O6 as Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun, and AARON. So that's that.
Now we wait.......
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
S4E07 "Ji Yeon"
Apologies for the lateness in updating - I've been a busy Truff. :P
Now I'm NOT going to post all of my "notes" from the episode here, simply because I don't want to look like an idiot again - thank you very much TPTB! >:-(
But here's the little I'm keeping intact:
Good eppy, not great, but still LOST.
First round notes:
- what was the book Regina was reading?
- HAHAHA poor Jin got taxi-jacked and his panda stolen!
- DAMN!!! Juliet tells Jin about Sun's affair.
- the music during Bernard's "karma" speech was just AWESOME.
- okay, so was that Regina juming into the water? Gettin Zoe Bell for what, 3 lines and then a mysterious death? I hope that wasn't her....
- so the cap'n spills the beans.....but "dont trust the captain".....oh well....still sounded like some solid info to me....
- YAY its Michael. FINALLY. Oh, excuse me...."Kevin Johnson". (neener neener)
- Where is WALT?
- you suck, TPTB. Jin's "FB" was totally pointless other than to trick us. I'll forgive you this one cause I just know the rest of the season is going to ROCK!! :D
Starting with the mid season mini cliffhanger and what did they say in the preview....someone is going to....DIE!?!?!? Oh no!!
Now I'm NOT going to post all of my "notes" from the episode here, simply because I don't want to look like an idiot again - thank you very much TPTB! >:-(
But here's the little I'm keeping intact:
Good eppy, not great, but still LOST.
First round notes:
- what was the book Regina was reading?
- HAHAHA poor Jin got taxi-jacked and his panda stolen!
- DAMN!!! Juliet tells Jin about Sun's affair.
- the music during Bernard's "karma" speech was just AWESOME.
- okay, so was that Regina juming into the water? Gettin Zoe Bell for what, 3 lines and then a mysterious death? I hope that wasn't her....
- so the cap'n spills the beans.....but "dont trust the captain".....oh well....still sounded like some solid info to me....
- YAY its Michael. FINALLY. Oh, excuse me...."Kevin Johnson". (neener neener)
- Where is WALT?
- you suck, TPTB. Jin's "FB" was totally pointless other than to trick us. I'll forgive you this one cause I just know the rest of the season is going to ROCK!! :D
Starting with the mid season mini cliffhanger and what did they say in the preview....someone is going to....DIE!?!?!? Oh no!!
S4E06 "The Other Woman"
Solid. Solid as a rock. :)
Now for some first round notes:
- "Ben is exactly where he wants to be" - says Smokie/Harper - oh boy do I really wanna see a BEN FB eppy now....I wanna see what happened between him finding Richard as a kid and the Purge. How he knows about Jacob, etc.
- what was Goodwin's chemical burn really from?
- "its very stressful being an other" - "this didn't have a number on it, did it?" - omg both those lines there were just GREAT!
- "I guess I'll have to show you" - that made me yell.
- when it comes back from commercial after the above Ben line, its a really great shot.
- YAY a mention of Zach and Emma the tailie kids!!
- How did Ben "know" Goodwin would die? My guesses - either the time travel thing himself, or the time travel thing from Jacob - the latter being the guess I like more.
- so Locke knows about the man on the boat (Michael, as if we all hadn't figured it out yet) now.....
And come on ABC - "a face you never thought you'd see again!!" - really, the same one whose name you've been showing in the credits since S4E01?
Its all good though, cause this show still ROCKS THE WORLD!!!
Now for some first round notes:
- "Ben is exactly where he wants to be" - says Smokie/Harper - oh boy do I really wanna see a BEN FB eppy now....I wanna see what happened between him finding Richard as a kid and the Purge. How he knows about Jacob, etc.
- what was Goodwin's chemical burn really from?
- "its very stressful being an other" - "this didn't have a number on it, did it?" - omg both those lines there were just GREAT!
- "I guess I'll have to show you" - that made me yell.
- when it comes back from commercial after the above Ben line, its a really great shot.
- YAY a mention of Zach and Emma the tailie kids!!
- How did Ben "know" Goodwin would die? My guesses - either the time travel thing himself, or the time travel thing from Jacob - the latter being the guess I like more.
- so Locke knows about the man on the boat (Michael, as if we all hadn't figured it out yet) now.....
And come on ABC - "a face you never thought you'd see again!!" - really, the same one whose name you've been showing in the credits since S4E01?
Its all good though, cause this show still ROCKS THE WORLD!!!
S4E05 "The Constant"
*wipes brains up off of floor*
Holy sweet Jesus that was just absolutely INSANE!!!!
One of the finest episodes to date without a doubt.
First round notes - and there are a lot of them.
- 40 miles north @ 305 degrees....I saw 7k too....need CAPS
- "side effects"....nice way of phrasing it.
- Freighter!!! I want CAPS!!!!
- "took off at dusk, landed in the middle of the day"
- Dr. Ray.....who.....I bet this guy has an interesting last name (if we ever learn it )
- Queens College was one of the Find815 game's S4 "clues"
- "You need to find me in 1996 at Oxford"
- "side effects of Radiation or Electromagnetism" - Des and the EM, Bruce Banner and the HULK. Nice.
- 2.342 @ 11 Hz - and HOLY CRAP I want CAPS of those blackboards!!!
- Why are Minkowski and crew under strict orders NOT to answer Penny's calls?? They must know they're coming from her....
- "Every Equation has a Constant" - yeah, I got a Constant for an Equation for ya - 4 8 15 16 23 42 - BLAMO THE NUMBERS FINALLY HAVE MEANING!!!!!!!!!!!! If you missed TLE back in 2006, I'd check up on it now.
- "you have a friend on the boat" - I bet dollars to donuts its MICHAEL.
- HOLY CRAP!!!!! HANSO's BLACK ROCK JOURNAL purchased by CHARLES WIDMORE!!!!! That means that WIDMORE'S people "found" the crash of Flight 815 while looking for the Black Rock - listen to Ep2 where the rover guys talk about the coordinates from their "employers journal" or something to that effect.
- 423 Cheyne Walk - another S4 "clue" from the Find815 game
- 7946-0893 = Penny's number
- "THEY've been researching it. I know about the Island" - WHAT!?!?!? OMG WHAT did she just say!?!?!?!?
Absolutely perfect.
*mops up more brains*
Holy sweet Jesus that was just absolutely INSANE!!!!
One of the finest episodes to date without a doubt.
First round notes - and there are a lot of them.
- 40 miles north @ 305 degrees....I saw 7k too....need CAPS
- "side effects"....nice way of phrasing it.
- Freighter!!! I want CAPS!!!!
- "took off at dusk, landed in the middle of the day"
- Dr. Ray.....who.....I bet this guy has an interesting last name (if we ever learn it )
- Queens College was one of the Find815 game's S4 "clues"
- "You need to find me in 1996 at Oxford"
- "side effects of Radiation or Electromagnetism" - Des and the EM, Bruce Banner and the HULK. Nice.
- 2.342 @ 11 Hz - and HOLY CRAP I want CAPS of those blackboards!!!
- Why are Minkowski and crew under strict orders NOT to answer Penny's calls?? They must know they're coming from her....
- "Every Equation has a Constant" - yeah, I got a Constant for an Equation for ya - 4 8 15 16 23 42 - BLAMO THE NUMBERS FINALLY HAVE MEANING!!!!!!!!!!!! If you missed TLE back in 2006, I'd check up on it now.
- "you have a friend on the boat" - I bet dollars to donuts its MICHAEL.
- HOLY CRAP!!!!! HANSO's BLACK ROCK JOURNAL purchased by CHARLES WIDMORE!!!!! That means that WIDMORE'S people "found" the crash of Flight 815 while looking for the Black Rock - listen to Ep2 where the rover guys talk about the coordinates from their "employers journal" or something to that effect.
- 423 Cheyne Walk - another S4 "clue" from the Find815 game
- 7946-0893 = Penny's number
- "THEY've been researching it. I know about the Island" - WHAT!?!?!? OMG WHAT did she just say!?!?!?!?
Absolutely perfect.
*mops up more brains*
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
S4E04 "Eggtown"
Interesting episode. I'm not too crazy about it after first watch, but maybe that's cause I got spoiled about the ending.....
First round notes:
- Philip K. Dick's "VALIS" - Nice. GO YUNG!!
- And Kate's Lawyer's name is......??? (not important obviously )
- "You just totally Scooby Doo'd me" - Great line from Hurley.
- So there's the "story" that the Oceanic 6 are giving - 8 survived crash initially, made it to deserted island in south pacific, 2 died, they almost starved, Kate is the big hero.
- What was up with that Card Trick?
- oooh....where is the Chopper???
- I'll bet that Kate slapping Sawyer and not saying goodbye is the last time they see each other before Kate gets off the Island. Though I could be waaaaay wrong too.
Not much for caps this week, so I likely won't be posting addendum notes/caps for this episode.
This weeks episode is going to be INSANE. :D
First round notes:
- Philip K. Dick's "VALIS" - Nice. GO YUNG!!
- And Kate's Lawyer's name is......??? (not important obviously )
- "You just totally Scooby Doo'd me" - Great line from Hurley.
- So there's the "story" that the Oceanic 6 are giving - 8 survived crash initially, made it to deserted island in south pacific, 2 died, they almost starved, Kate is the big hero.
- What was up with that Card Trick?
- oooh....where is the Chopper???
- I'll bet that Kate slapping Sawyer and not saying goodbye is the last time they see each other before Kate gets off the Island. Though I could be waaaaay wrong too.
Not much for caps this week, so I likely won't be posting addendum notes/caps for this episode.
This weeks episode is going to be INSANE. :D
Thursday, February 14, 2008
S4E03 "The Economist"
Holy freakin crap that was just INSANE.
First round notes:
- so the Freighties have "no info" about Ben, just "locate him"....yeah, and do WHAT with him once you find him??
- Sayid is one of the Oceanic 6 - 4 down, 2 to go.
- The sign on the door in the Berlin cafe was interesting. I'll see if I can snag a cap of it.
- Sayid is "corporate recruit"......and assasin. Was that a cover, or is he pullin the Richard duties of recruiting new folks to the Island for Ben now?
- YES - ASK DESMOND!!! Remember this is the guy who has flashes of the future. Yeah, most of em recently were of Charlie's death, but that's over now lets have Des see something else.
- Whoah....so Jacob's cabin DOES move around and is NOT contained by the "ash ring".
- What was Daniel's device? It seemed like an explainable device, but I have no idea what it is and am curious to know.
- but still.....the "payload" was there for Regina on the boat tracking it, but not for Dan on the Island who should've received it in real time but didn't....it was there, but it wasn't there.....kinda like "I'm dead, but I'm also here".
- HAHAHAHA!!! "The ship sent another Sawyer"
- 31 minutes off.....whoah.....*brain asplodes*
- I want caps of the books in Ben's house, as well as the name on the passport (looked like oriental characters though....if so - a PAIK CONNECTION?????)
- also was that a map of the stars in Ben's bedroom? I saw it during the Kate/Sawyer scene
- same bracelet on Elsa as on Naomi? Caps will prove yes or no me thinks.
- and oh yes, the HOLY CRAPOLI factor - Ben gets off the Island too and is apparently calling the shots still - AND is in a WAR with someone else. Anyone wanna bet its CHARLES WIDMORE?
I'm still reeling....
First round notes:
- so the Freighties have "no info" about Ben, just "locate him"....yeah, and do WHAT with him once you find him??
- Sayid is one of the Oceanic 6 - 4 down, 2 to go.
- The sign on the door in the Berlin cafe was interesting. I'll see if I can snag a cap of it.
- Sayid is "corporate recruit"......and assasin. Was that a cover, or is he pullin the Richard duties of recruiting new folks to the Island for Ben now?
- YES - ASK DESMOND!!! Remember this is the guy who has flashes of the future. Yeah, most of em recently were of Charlie's death, but that's over now lets have Des see something else.
- Whoah....so Jacob's cabin DOES move around and is NOT contained by the "ash ring".
- What was Daniel's device? It seemed like an explainable device, but I have no idea what it is and am curious to know.
- but still.....the "payload" was there for Regina on the boat tracking it, but not for Dan on the Island who should've received it in real time but didn't....it was there, but it wasn't there.....kinda like "I'm dead, but I'm also here".
- HAHAHAHA!!! "The ship sent another Sawyer"
- 31 minutes off.....whoah.....*brain asplodes*
- I want caps of the books in Ben's house, as well as the name on the passport (looked like oriental characters though....if so - a PAIK CONNECTION?????)
- also was that a map of the stars in Ben's bedroom? I saw it during the Kate/Sawyer scene
- same bracelet on Elsa as on Naomi? Caps will prove yes or no me thinks.
- and oh yes, the HOLY CRAPOLI factor - Ben gets off the Island too and is apparently calling the shots still - AND is in a WAR with someone else. Anyone wanna bet its CHARLES WIDMORE?
I'm still reeling....
Thursday, February 7, 2008
S4E02 "Confirmed Dead"
Holy crap that was AWESOME!!!! :D
First round notes:
- Find815.com tiein?......YES!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! CHRISTIANE I!!!!!
- "I got my orders from Walt" - nice, Locke admits it, and now he wants to go to Jacob's cabin on the way to the barracks.
- This was just GREAT right here - "The bullet went in one side and out the other, if I had that kidney, I'd have been dead" - WE CALLED IT!!!! WOOHOO!!!! :D
- I'll have caps of the boy's room as soon as I possibly can. :)
- HA!!! And yet again - we were RIGHT - "Tell my sister I love her" WAS a code!!! :blinkie:
- The first of 3: "We've got people in the trees with guns on you right now" Nice one Jack....well, thanks Juliet and Sayid. ;)
- was that Skywalker ranch? They really didn't film in Tunisia did they? I would imagine not, but still.... :p
- holy crap Charlotte found a DHARMA bracelet from the HYDRA near the remains of the Polar Bear skeleton in the Tunisian desert!!!!!
- The second of 3: "Vincent!" Nice one, Locke. :D I was waitin for it to be Smokie, and it was the dog.
- 888-548-0034 - call the Oceanic hotline.
- "I was supposed to be flying 815 that day" - HOLY CRAPOLI WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST SAY (sorry for yelling :p)???????? Oh man......there go the brains.....
- FRANK LAPIDUS!!! Another clue from Find815.com!!! YAY!!! :D
- Who wants to bet how long until Locke blows up that chopper? :p
- OMG Abaddon put together the freighter team!!! So my Smokie theory is bust, but I dont care, this is some CRAZY ASS CRAP RIGHT HERE!!!
- Why couldn't Miknowski come to the plane? Who is Regina?
- "We're here for Benjamin Linus" - WHY?
- "I have answers" says Ben. "What is the Monster? The Black Smoke?" asks Locke. Damn straight. That's the big one right there. :hyper:
- And the best of the 3: "I have a man on their boat". I yelled at my tv.
What was that about an "enhanced" episode next week??? I hope to God they don't do the Pop-Up thing.....*crosses fingers*
Just INSANE. :blinkie:
First round notes:
- Find815.com tiein?......YES!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! CHRISTIANE I!!!!!
- "I got my orders from Walt" - nice, Locke admits it, and now he wants to go to Jacob's cabin on the way to the barracks.
- This was just GREAT right here - "The bullet went in one side and out the other, if I had that kidney, I'd have been dead" - WE CALLED IT!!!! WOOHOO!!!! :D
- I'll have caps of the boy's room as soon as I possibly can. :)
- HA!!! And yet again - we were RIGHT - "Tell my sister I love her" WAS a code!!! :blinkie:
- The first of 3: "We've got people in the trees with guns on you right now" Nice one Jack....well, thanks Juliet and Sayid. ;)
- was that Skywalker ranch? They really didn't film in Tunisia did they? I would imagine not, but still.... :p
- holy crap Charlotte found a DHARMA bracelet from the HYDRA near the remains of the Polar Bear skeleton in the Tunisian desert!!!!!
- The second of 3: "Vincent!" Nice one, Locke. :D I was waitin for it to be Smokie, and it was the dog.
- 888-548-0034 - call the Oceanic hotline.
- "I was supposed to be flying 815 that day" - HOLY CRAPOLI WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST SAY (sorry for yelling :p)???????? Oh man......there go the brains.....
- FRANK LAPIDUS!!! Another clue from Find815.com!!! YAY!!! :D
- Who wants to bet how long until Locke blows up that chopper? :p
- OMG Abaddon put together the freighter team!!! So my Smokie theory is bust, but I dont care, this is some CRAZY ASS CRAP RIGHT HERE!!!
- Why couldn't Miknowski come to the plane? Who is Regina?
- "We're here for Benjamin Linus" - WHY?
- "I have answers" says Ben. "What is the Monster? The Black Smoke?" asks Locke. Damn straight. That's the big one right there. :hyper:
- And the best of the 3: "I have a man on their boat". I yelled at my tv.
What was that about an "enhanced" episode next week??? I hope to God they don't do the Pop-Up thing.....*crosses fingers*
Just INSANE. :blinkie:
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
S4E01 "The Beginning of the End" - Addendum Notes and Caps
The first order of business was to find out who was sitting in the chair in Jacob's cabin, and whose eye popped up and scared Hurley?
The first question is easily answered.
It is Christian Shephard.
This first shot is from the extended S4 preview that has been airing on ABC:

And this next shot is what we saw in the episode "The Beginning of the End", with some brightening by me:

The second question isn't so easily answered, unfortunately. From the shot we're given, we cannot definitively say who the eye belongs to.

Also in that particular scene, as Hurley first approaches the cabin, we hear the infamous WHISPERS. I have done my very best to transcribe them. Here are the results of my work:
WHISPERS - Forward
0:03 - (woman's voice) - we forgot....(continued...?)
0:04 - (woman's voice) - it's too late (?)
0:08 - (man's voice) - There's somebody coming
0:09 - (woman's voice) - is it someone we know?
0:10 - (man's voice) - how soon (missing words)?
0:14 - (woman's voice) - it wasn't me
0:12 - sounds like Desmond
0:14 - makalasessum (makes no sense, its what I hear)
0:05 - mans voice says something
Woman's voice is primarily in Left Channel.
(okay so I'm skipping around here)
- When Hurley is in the interrogation room and "sees" Charlie swim up with something written on his hand, a screencap will show you that it says "They Need You":

And I'd like to close this post out with a cap I call "It was inevitable":

See ya on Thursday. :D
The first question is easily answered.
It is Christian Shephard.
This first shot is from the extended S4 preview that has been airing on ABC:
And this next shot is what we saw in the episode "The Beginning of the End", with some brightening by me:
The second question isn't so easily answered, unfortunately. From the shot we're given, we cannot definitively say who the eye belongs to.
Also in that particular scene, as Hurley first approaches the cabin, we hear the infamous WHISPERS. I have done my very best to transcribe them. Here are the results of my work:
WHISPERS - Forward
0:03 - (woman's voice) - we forgot....(continued...?)
0:04 - (woman's voice) - it's too late (?)
0:08 - (man's voice) - There's somebody coming
0:09 - (woman's voice) - is it someone we know?
0:10 - (man's voice) - how soon (missing words)?
0:14 - (woman's voice) - it wasn't me
0:12 - sounds like Desmond
0:14 - makalasessum (makes no sense, its what I hear)
0:05 - mans voice says something
Woman's voice is primarily in Left Channel.
(okay so I'm skipping around here)
- When Hurley is in the interrogation room and "sees" Charlie swim up with something written on his hand, a screencap will show you that it says "They Need You":
And I'd like to close this post out with a cap I call "It was inevitable":
See ya on Thursday. :D
Thursday, January 31, 2008
S4E01 "The Beginning of the End"
First attempt got eaten....lets try this again....
First round notes -
- The Oceanic 6 - Jack, Kate, Hurley, and WHO ELSE?
- Hahaha - its BIG MIKE from the podcasts (Ana Lucia's partner)
- Matthew ABADDON - those who played the Find815.com game will recognize this name.... ;)
- "Are they still alive?".....interesting.....
- Jacob's cabin didn't seem too far from the beach....
- hehehe, they were draggin Ben around all tied up like Gollum. :p
- Who is Naomi's sister?
- Christian seen in Jacob's cabin ties all this to SMOKIE.
- That was not Charlie in the FF, that was a freigher person using the SMOKIE technology stolen from the Island.
- what is the LIE, the SECRET, that the Oceanic 6 keep?
First round notes -
- The Oceanic 6 - Jack, Kate, Hurley, and WHO ELSE?
- Hahaha - its BIG MIKE from the podcasts (Ana Lucia's partner)
- Matthew ABADDON - those who played the Find815.com game will recognize this name.... ;)
- "Are they still alive?".....interesting.....
- Jacob's cabin didn't seem too far from the beach....
- hehehe, they were draggin Ben around all tied up like Gollum. :p
- Who is Naomi's sister?
- Christian seen in Jacob's cabin ties all this to SMOKIE.
- That was not Charlie in the FF, that was a freigher person using the SMOKIE technology stolen from the Island.
- what is the LIE, the SECRET, that the Oceanic 6 keep?
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Welcome Back!!
Greetings my friends.
It's been a while hasn't it?
Just here to remind all of y'all that I'm still here and I'm still gonna be puttin all my LOST Season 4 Notes and Screencaps here (after they've been posted at Lost-Tv) for quick and easy reference.
It feels great to be back. :D
It's been a while hasn't it?
Just here to remind all of y'all that I'm still here and I'm still gonna be puttin all my LOST Season 4 Notes and Screencaps here (after they've been posted at Lost-Tv) for quick and easy reference.
It feels great to be back. :D
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