Tuesday, March 18, 2008

S4E06 "The Other Woman"

Solid. Solid as a rock. :)

Now for some first round notes:


- "Ben is exactly where he wants to be" - says Smokie/Harper - oh boy do I really wanna see a BEN FB eppy now....I wanna see what happened between him finding Richard as a kid and the Purge. How he knows about Jacob, etc.

- what was Goodwin's chemical burn really from?


- "its very stressful being an other" - "this didn't have a number on it, did it?" - omg both those lines there were just GREAT!

- "I guess I'll have to show you" - that made me yell.

- when it comes back from commercial after the above Ben line, its a really great shot.


- YAY a mention of Zach and Emma the tailie kids!!

- How did Ben "know" Goodwin would die? My guesses - either the time travel thing himself, or the time travel thing from Jacob - the latter being the guess I like more.

- so Locke knows about the man on the boat (Michael, as if we all hadn't figured it out yet) now.....

And come on ABC - "a face you never thought you'd see again!!" - really, the same one whose name you've been showing in the credits since S4E01?
Its all good though, cause this show still ROCKS THE WORLD!!!

1 comment:

M The Alien said...

its very stressful being an other" - "this didn't have a number on it, did it?" - omg both those lines there were just GREAT!

I seriously laughed green tea all over myself when he said that!

- "I guess I'll have to show you" - that made me yell.

Same here!

- when it comes back from commercial after the above Ben line, its a really great shot.
I agree!