Thursday, February 7, 2008

S4E02 "Confirmed Dead"

Holy crap that was AWESOME!!!! :D

First round notes:

- tiein?......YES!!!! YAYAYAYAYAY!!!! CHRISTIANE I!!!!!

- "I got my orders from Walt" - nice, Locke admits it, and now he wants to go to Jacob's cabin on the way to the barracks.

- This was just GREAT right here - "The bullet went in one side and out the other, if I had that kidney, I'd have been dead" - WE CALLED IT!!!! WOOHOO!!!! :D

- I'll have caps of the boy's room as soon as I possibly can. :)

- HA!!! And yet again - we were RIGHT - "Tell my sister I love her" WAS a code!!! :blinkie:

- The first of 3: "We've got people in the trees with guns on you right now" Nice one Jack....well, thanks Juliet and Sayid. ;)

- was that Skywalker ranch? They really didn't film in Tunisia did they? I would imagine not, but still.... :p

- holy crap Charlotte found a DHARMA bracelet from the HYDRA near the remains of the Polar Bear skeleton in the Tunisian desert!!!!!

- The second of 3: "Vincent!" Nice one, Locke. :D I was waitin for it to be Smokie, and it was the dog.

- 888-548-0034 - call the Oceanic hotline.

- "I was supposed to be flying 815 that day" - HOLY CRAPOLI WHAT THE HELL DID HE JUST SAY (sorry for yelling :p)???????? Oh man......there go the brains.....

- FRANK LAPIDUS!!! Another clue from!!! YAY!!! :D

- Who wants to bet how long until Locke blows up that chopper? :p

- OMG Abaddon put together the freighter team!!! So my Smokie theory is bust, but I dont care, this is some CRAZY ASS CRAP RIGHT HERE!!!

- Why couldn't Miknowski come to the plane? Who is Regina?

- "We're here for Benjamin Linus" - WHY?

- "I have answers" says Ben. "What is the Monster? The Black Smoke?" asks Locke. Damn straight. That's the big one right there. :hyper:

- And the best of the 3: "I have a man on their boat". I yelled at my tv.

What was that about an "enhanced" episode next week??? I hope to God they don't do the Pop-Up thing.....*crosses fingers*

Just INSANE. :blinkie:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was a bit afraid the episode wouldn't deliver based on some online reviews from those fortunate enough to get pre-screenings. In the aftermath, I thought this was an awesome episode, and I'm glad to know I wasn't the only one yelling at my TV when Ben said he had someone on the boat! That is SO Ben!