- "Dude, all I know is the sky turned purple, after that I don't ask questions. Just make myself a salad and move on" - what a great line!
- The Flame station has a series of loudspeakers around it like the Hydra:
- "I have never been here before" says Danielle. She also said something very similar when shown the Swan Hatch. I just do not believe her. 16 years on the Island (with a map) and she's never seen any of the Others/Dharma facilities. Yeah right. See HERE.
- The restaurant Sayid was working at in the first FB was called "Le Portail D'Arabie" which means "The Gate of Arabia" in French.
- unlike the Swan, the supplies seen at The Flame are NOT labeled with the Flame logo, rather the one we saw on the Dharma Shark:
- and also here, on the first aid kit, we can make out (I know its blurry) the logo for The Staff:
- Mikhail says that DHARMA initiated the war/Purge against the "hostiles" - after it was over 4 men appeared and offered a truce. I wonder who those 4 men were? Ben, Tom, Jacob, and ?? (Pickett??)
- with this shot here, we can place Sayid in Paris (see the Eiffel Tower in the background):
- Nadia Komanich (sp?) Russian gymnast, shares a birthday with Mikhail. What is this birthday??
- now we have 4 different DHARMA logos seen in The Flame - The Flame, The "Shark logo", The Staff, and now the Swan, seen here on the Vodka bottle:
- I just have to say again how happy I am that Sayid was asking all kindsa good questions of Mikhail. "What is the Dharma Initiative?" "What is the purpose of the flame?" "Are there any cables going out into the ocean" "How did you get here?" "So there are submarines?" and he got some good answers to all of those questions (for the most part).
- there are boxes in the basement of the Flame that bear new numbers:
- also, the Food Drop Protocol and Operations Manual offered another new series of DHARMA related numbers:
- MANUAL OVERRIDE ACHIEVED - For Pallat Drop, enter 24; for Station Uplink, enter 32, for Mainland Communication, enter 38. The satellite dish is inoperable. Communications are down. For Sonar Access, enter 56. Sonar is inoperable. Has there been an incursion on this station by the Hostiles? If so, enter 77.
- it looks like after he shot Miss Klugh, Mikhail was going to turn the gun on himself, but Locke stopped him.
- a little comment on the magazines that Hurley gave back to Sawyer - the "Nun turned Stripper" must've been a huge story in 1990 cause "Playpen" magazine featured the story in two issues!! :P
- "I lied about being a member, everything else I said is true. I moved into this station after the Purge". I would like to know exactly when this PURGE took place, and is it in any way related to the INCIDENT, and if so, HOW?
- "that place was our one chance of communication with the outside world"....um....no it's not, Sayid. You yourself reminded Danielle about the Radio Tower, and inquired if the one at the Flame was what she was talkin about. To which she said it was not the same tower. Now, I realize that her distress call has been playing on a loop for 16 years and gone unanswered, but they have Sayid who might know how to tweak some stuff to get the signal from the tower to change (somehow) - if they ever find the thing.
- and I'd like to close with THE FLAME in Flames:
That's all I have for now. Til next week. ;)
Enjoy! :)
loved this! always a good job and good pics.
il give u a blowjob
ill give u a blow job all night
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