- "Its not a ring, not yet. But when my wife...*gasp*" - the last words of an unfinished sentence by Harold Zuckerman. What was he going to say? Is it even important?
- some of Zuckerman's other credits included "Strike Team Alpha" and "Dr. Kincaid, Esquire"
- judging from Paulo's bag, Nikki appeared in (and died in) Season 4 of Expose:
- "promise me we'll never end up like them" - Nikki talkin to Paulo about Boone and Shannon - HAHAHA!! TOO BAD!! You're DEAD now too!! Ended up just like Boone and Shannon!!
- right after the above line, we hear a "Captain Stewart" being paged. Its a long shot, but I think this might be a nod to Patrick Stewart who played Captain Picard in STNG (I mean, JJ IS doing the new Star Trek flick )
- wow....Nikki is frantically searching for Paulo, and when she finds him, he's all bloodied up. They just survived a PLANE CRASH and her mind is on the jewels she stole?!?! He looks at her here with an expression that fits my last sentence.
- HAHAHA!! "Maybe it was a Dinosaur" says Paulo. "Its not Jurassic Park, Paulo, its the South Pacific" replies Nikki. HAHAHAHA!!!! Take a good look around you, namely Hurley's Golf Course - um, I hate to tell you this, but you're on the SAME ISLAND as Jurassic Park.
- I'm not positive, but it looks like they reused the exact same shot of the beach plane from "Deus Ex Machina" in this episode. Compare:
"Deus Ex Machina"
- "since we've arrived here, I've discovered 20 new species" - does Arzt even know enough to be able to say he's discovered a new species of animal, let alone 20 of them?? Cause if he DID discover 20 new species of animal....well....lets just say it makes me think of a certain statue along the coast that Sayid, Jin, and Sun might have seen...
- here's my cap of the Casting List for what I'm guessing is the script for Nikki's last episode of Expose. Aside from Billy Dee Williams, none of the actors names are real.
- "Kate and her two boyfriends found a case of guns..." says Shannon. "The case is locked. The key is around Jack's neck" says Kate. - BAM!! There it is - ANSWER to the question I've had since S1 - How did Shannon a) know about the guns at all, and b) know that Jack had the key around his neck?
- I'm not sure if we've actually seen this before.....well, we've seen the logo, but not this specific one. This is the Pearl logo, raised on the wall, similar to the one from the Swan:
- Ben asks why the Pearl is open, and Juliet replies because Tom was down there a few days ago. What was Tom doing in the Pearl? When does this scene occur in the timeline - what were the Losties doing then? It had to have happened after they were in the Swan, cause when Tom encountered Jack, Sawyer, and Locke in the jungle, he made the comment about "opening doors to rooms you've got no business opening" which said he knew they had gotten into the Swan.
- Paulo was not the one who left the cigarette in the Pearl. Here we see him, right after he hid the jewels in the toilet, picking up the walkie. Next to it we can see a cigaratte butt, which says to me that before Paulo, there was another individual who spent time in the Pearl who was a smoker, and is likely the individual who left the smoldering butt when Locke and Eko entered the Pearl for the first time.
- here's a cap of the walkie showing frequency 218. I dunno if it means anything, but they made a point to show it, so...
- Vincent is one smart dog!! He pulls the blanket off of Nikki and Paulo to try to show everyone they're still alive, but HA! NO DICE Nikki and Paulo!! No one catches on!!
- nice shot of "12 hours ago" Nikki sitting on the beach
- "If you found the diamonds, you wouldn't need me anymore" - right after this line is where I distinctly hear the "cicada sound" of Smokie. Though we don't see the black smoke, this is the shot where we hear the sound:
- this is the best closeup shot of the "medusa spider" I could get. Any spider experts out there able to identify it?
- And I'd like to close with this cap that I call "Flashes Before Your Eyes". ;)
Enjoy!! :)
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