Tuesday, February 5, 2008

S4E01 "The Beginning of the End" - Addendum Notes and Caps

The first order of business was to find out who was sitting in the chair in Jacob's cabin, and whose eye popped up and scared Hurley?

The first question is easily answered.
It is Christian Shephard.

This first shot is from the extended S4 preview that has been airing on ABC:

And this next shot is what we saw in the episode "The Beginning of the End", with some brightening by me:

The second question isn't so easily answered, unfortunately. From the shot we're given, we cannot definitively say who the eye belongs to.

Also in that particular scene, as Hurley first approaches the cabin, we hear the infamous WHISPERS. I have done my very best to transcribe them. Here are the results of my work:

WHISPERS - Forward
0:03 - (woman's voice) - we forgot....(continued...?)
0:04 - (woman's voice) - it's too late (?)
0:08 - (man's voice) - There's somebody coming
0:09 - (woman's voice) - is it someone we know?
0:10 - (man's voice) - how soon (missing words)?

0:14 - (woman's voice) - it wasn't me

0:12 - sounds like Desmond
0:14 - makalasessum (makes no sense, its what I hear)

0:05 - mans voice says something

Woman's voice is primarily in Left Channel.

(okay so I'm skipping around here)
- When Hurley is in the interrogation room and "sees" Charlie swim up with something written on his hand, a screencap will show you that it says "They Need You":

And I'd like to close this post out with a cap I call "It was inevitable":

See ya on Thursday. :D


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