Tuesday, February 26, 2008

S4E04 "Eggtown"

Interesting episode. I'm not too crazy about it after first watch, but maybe that's cause I got spoiled about the ending.....

First round notes:

- Philip K. Dick's "VALIS" - Nice. GO YUNG!!

- And Kate's Lawyer's name is......??? (not important obviously )

- "You just totally Scooby Doo'd me" - Great line from Hurley.

- So there's the "story" that the Oceanic 6 are giving - 8 survived crash initially, made it to deserted island in south pacific, 2 died, they almost starved, Kate is the big hero.

- What was up with that Card Trick?

- oooh....where is the Chopper???

- I'll bet that Kate slapping Sawyer and not saying goodbye is the last time they see each other before Kate gets off the Island. Though I could be waaaaay wrong too.

Not much for caps this week, so I likely won't be posting addendum notes/caps for this episode.

This weeks episode is going to be INSANE. :D

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