Thursday, February 22, 2007

S3E09 "Stranger in a Strange Land" Addendum Notes/Caps

S3E09 - Stranger in a Strange Land - Addendum Notes and Caps

- opening shot, right off the bat, nice work by the cinematography dept (and another view of the Island to help Yung with his maps):

- I did not hear Karl say the line from the brainwashing film "God loves you as he loved Jacob" when I watched the first time. I guess the film worked a little.

- I think that Tom's comment to Jack about gettin him some stones was a witty reply to Jack's accusations of what kinds of people he thought they were. "People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" - so is Tom likening what the Others are doing to things he knows about Jack's past? Kinda like a "you should talk, Jack, I know some of the things you've done in your life".

- I'm not 100% sure now that I have the caps, but it still kinda appears that the "Thailand" scenes were filmed on the other side of the mountain range where the Pala Ferry Docks are (on second glance I am starting to think its different locations):

- yep. Bai Ling is a hottie

- this is interesting.....while Tom is talking to Jack in his cage, right before he says "let me ask you something", there is a noise in the jungle (sounded like an animal) but whatever it was, it made Tom look in its direction with concern -

- here's another nice shot of Sawyer and Kate on the boat as they are almost at the shore -

- in this shot, we can see Alcatraz Island behind Sawyer (now the question is, will we learn where on craphole Island Kate and Sawyer docked in relation to the Losties camp? Cause alot of speculation has gone on as to where Alcatraz Island is on the Maps)

- "Why don't we just circle round" and Kate points East. I wonder if this is any indication of them having the vaguest idea of where their camp is in relation to where they are now.

- since they don't show anyones face here, its impossible to tell if Cindy and the other Tailies (I presume) are there to watch Juliet's sentencing/possible execution. But here is the group in front of Jack's cage:

And here is the best shot I could get of the backs of their heads in the "courtroom". It looks like Cindy may be seated in the front

- we see Ben loaded onto a little Dingy boat to row out to the big boat. We also get another comparison shot of where craphole Island is in comparison to Alcatraz Island

- now, as far as the boat we see at the end being the same one they captured Walt on and gave to Michael and Walt to escape - in this shot here, judging from the distance, its MUCH larger than the boat given to Michael and Walt. Definitely NOT the same boat.

*note the windows on the cabin on the two boats - on the smaller boat, the center window is clearly smaller and there doesn't appear to be any room to stand on the bow like we see Juliet here on the larger boat.

That's all I have for now. Enjoy! :)


S3E09 "Stranger in a Strange Land"

Some first round notes:

- Captain Bunnykiller!! LMAO!! The writers come up with the funniest nicknames for Sawyer to give people!!

- I'll have caps tomorrow of this, but the very first FB scene it makes you think we're lookin at OUR Island and not "Thailand" but in all reality, its still Hawaii, just the other side of the mountian range where the Pala Ferry docks are for real.

- Karl says Alcatraz Island is "where they work" and the kids are "given a better life" (we heard that from Goodwin too - what the hell are they talkin about though??)

- URSA THEODORUS - The Teddy Bear. I thought that was cute

- Jack's not dumb enough to push the "food" button the third time after it says "WARNING"

- one version of Jack is that he is a leader, a great man, but also lonely which makes him angry

- BOOOOO!!! Isabelle. Dammit, I REALLY wanted her to be KAREN DeGROOT.

- "What the hell is the Brady Bunch" - well that says Karl hasn't been off the Island ever. Who are his parents??

- Ethan was their surgeon - I imagine this was one of the 3 "BIG" reveals...

- hehehe...tonight was the 3rd time Jack was insulted about his poor bedside manner (last time was in MoSMoF with Hurley hiking back from blowing off the Hatch door)

- DHARMA logo on the stand? YES!! HYDRA logo on the stand. These people, these OTHERS, in my humble opinion, ARE THE DHARMA INITIATIVE. They never left. What they stand for now is what remains to be seen....

- * - so thats the "mark". The Heroes Helix is cooler Wonder what it means to be "Marked"?

- "BIG" reveal #2 - Jack's tatoos mean "He walks among us but he's not one of us" (no idea what #3 was supposed to be :P)

- Michael Giacchino saved the end of this eppy for me by FINALLY introducing what I believe to be the "theme" music for the rest of S3.

Discuss On.


Friday, February 16, 2007

S3E08 "Flashes Before Your Eyes" - Addendum Notes and Caps

Lets dive right in...

- new book - Hurley seen flipping through "Laughter in the Dark" by Vladimir Nabokov

- right after Locke says "You know what it is" to Charlie, Desmond starts doing his "thing". It looks like he's having Deja Vu and he's trying to figure out what comes next and in a hurry (which he does). Perhaps his entire life from birth to death flashed before his eyes, and he's not really seeing the future, but remembering an instance from the life flash (which after it happened, is somehow still with him in his brain/subconscious, giving him the appearance of being able to see the future). My brain can't quite grasp this whole thing just yet...


- Desmond holding Locke at gunpoint as he confronts Jack for the first time

- Desmond with the "oh no, you've killed us all" look after Kate accidentally shoots the Hatch compy

- Desmond trying to fix the Hatch compy

- the Hatch compy frying after Desmond fails to fix it

- Desmond yelling at Jack in the jungle as he tries to run away

- Desmond all drunk in the boat when Jack, Sawyer, and Sayid found him

- Desmond sitting on the beach drinking Dharma liquor

- Desmond seeing the printout from the Pearl

- another "oh no" look as Locke smashes the Hatch compy

- yet another "oh no" look from Desmond

- what looks like explosions as Desmond crawls to get to the Failsafe

- Desmond about to turn the Failsafe Key

- turning the key

- cut to Desmond's Eye (now he's in his flat with Penny)


- when Desmond's eye opens, you can see the reflection of the blinds that were in the Hatch


- 1:08 on clock

- "If my father is too daft to see how brilliant you are, its not the end of the world"

- microwave beeping like Hatch timer

- "delivery for 815"

- first off, just seeing Charlie to begin with

- Charlie saying "can I get some help" **this is what triggers Desmond to remember the Island, etc. while reliving his past

- "Make your own kind of Music" playing in the bar when Desmond talks to Donovan, his physicist friend


- here's a few shots of Charles Widmore's office:

- the first thing out of the shopkeeper's mouth was "haven't done this before, have you?" - she KNOWS whats up.

- "if you don't do every one of those things, every single one of us is dead" - so the fate of the world is on Desmond's shoulders?

- just like Desmond can now on the Island, the shopkeeper has the same ability in Desmond's "past" to "see the future" (the red shoed man)

- "that man was supposed to die, that was his path" - sounds an awful lot like "he was a sacrifice the Island demanded" and "Eko was killed for a reason, I just haven't figured out what it is yet"

- "you must go to the Island" and "pushing that button is the greatest thing you will ever do" sounds to me like she wants/needs him to go to the Island - she's "in" on it....somehow....

- the photographer only takes ONE picture of Des and Penny. Desmond has one on the Island, and Penny also has one that we see on her nightstand in the S2 finale. How do they BOTH have a copy of the picture?

- when Des pitched the ring into the river, it reminded me alot of Isildur losing the One Ring

- we get a slightly better shot than the one in "Further Instructions" of the remains of the Hatch here too:

- I'd like to close out with another great shot that I call "And then it started to rain":

Enjoy! :)


S3E08 "Flashes Before Your Eyes"

First watch notes:

- MacCutcheon Whiskey - as soon as they said the name, I knew it had some sort of significance.

- When Desmond turned the key, his life "FLASHED BEFORE HIS EYES". Very creative, the episode title. BUT....does everyone remember when THE EXACT SAME THING happened to Mr. Eko right before he saw "Yemi" in "?"; AND when Eko first encountered Smokey in "The 23rd Psalm" what did we see? FLASHES OF EKO'S LIFE IN SMOKEY. What's up with all that?

- 1:08...BEEP BEEP BEEP (its only the microwave)

- I'll have caps of Widmore's office ASAP - this guy is IN on the "Island" dealings. Namaste backwards, Polar bear statue, etc.....

- um....His "FOUNDATION" is sponsoring the race around the as in HANSO FOUNDATION??? Did Charles Widmore OVERTHROW Alvar Hanso and steal his family secret?? Or are they working together??

- WIDMORE INDUSTRIES - finally a company name. Now who wants to bet a million fansites pop up for this one overnight?

- Wow!! Charlie in Desmond's um....I wanna say FB....but....*brain fart*..."and then it started to RAIN" - this is a trend on LOST, folks being able to predict the rain.

- I will need caps to confirm this, but it looks as if in the S2 Finale, Penelope answers the phone IN DESMONDS FLAT. The nightstand is in the right spot, the clock (if I remember correctly) is identical, and the gold headboard bars are the same as well. (after checking caps, I'm wrong on this one)

- WHO WAS THAT OLD WOMAN AND HOW THE HELL DID SHE KNOW ALL THAT STUFF?????? (we learned that her name is Mrs. Hawking - I forget where)

Okay....I'm brain is dripping again....

*goes to get mop*


Thursday, February 8, 2007

S3E07 "Not In Portland" - Addendum Notes/Caps

S3E7 "Not In Portland" Addendum Notes and Screencaps

- Like I said, AMAZING shot to open

- Here's the vial seen in the opening FB. I can make out "Test Sample" and "Week 6, Batch 7". Doesn't appear to have our NUMBERS on it (until I read TPTP's post in the screencap request thread at Lost-Tv that put together that 6 weeks, at 7 batches per week = 42):

- here we see Juliet injecting Rachel with 4cc's of this "Test Syrum"

- here's the Miami skyline with the Oceanic plane flying by

- Juliet's acces card into the Miami Central University Bio Reseach Labs is for Research Lab A-4

- the vials that Juliet steals from the Miami lab appear to be the same as the ones we saw her inject Rachel with in FB1

- "there has to be a boat here somewhere, how else do they get back and forth" - just wait til they find out about the GALAGA :P

- I think its official - the Others are worse shots than Stormtroopers.

- I wonder now that Kate knows Alex's name and that she's a good "other" - will she mention this the next time she runs into Danielle, or will she not be around to do it or just be dumb and not say anything? Kate was at the beach when Danielle told the story of the Others taking her baby Alex (Exodus Part 1) and she's also heard Claire's story of the teenage girl who helped her escape, so I would hope that she puts 2 and 2 together and says something.

- when Ben regained consciousness, and was able to hear what Jack and Tom had been saying, the last thing they said to each other was: Tom "Did Juliet really ask you to kill him?" Jack "yeah, and in about 40 minutes, she's gonna get her wish" - so Ben has now heard of Juliet's little plan to have him killed. We don't actually hear what is said between them, only what Juilet tells Jack at the end what he said - and we have to just take her word for it.....nope. Not buyin it. Those two (Ben and Juliet) are schemers. Juliet isn't the same person she was before she was on the Island (okay, there was the stealing and potential ethical issues but still...). Now, she has a killer instinct - she zapped Sawyer, held Kate at gunpoint, told her Other friends to kill Sawyer and Kate if necessary, and shot Danny - I didn't see any indication of this kinda behavior from her in any of her FBs.

- looking for Easter Eggs and not coming up with anything, here is the brief shot we see of Juliet's computer screen:

- Juliets research could be brilliant, or it could raise some serious ethical concerns and maybe even criminal concern - and this is a trait the Others want her for? I'm leaning towards a little from column A (helping people get pregnant) and a little from column B (what the Others have her doing, which is god knows what)

- "I'm Tom, by the way" - um, I think Jack already knew that when Miss Klugh blurted his name out on the docks

- here are the slides that Dr. Alpert shows Juliet of the Mittelos Community

- we get a new shot of the entrance to the Hydra as Saywer, Kate, and Alex rush in to free Karl

- I have taken 53 caps of the brainwashing film. I know there are numerous other caps already out there. So what I'm going to do is compare what I have to what's out there and see if I have anything that they all missed (doubt it though ) Here is a LINK to the caps I was able to add.

- here we see Rachel's Widmore pregnancy test - and you really had to be lookin for it, cause it appears quickly and kinda blurry:

- I tried to cap the APOLLO sign, but there's just no way (I posted as close as I got in the Screencap request thread). I did get this kinda goofy cap of Ed Burke gettin hit by the bus:

- so the bus with the Apollo Candy bar ad (a Hanso Foundation sponsored company I might add) hits and kills Juliet's ex-husband, the only thing she told Mr. Alpert that was standing in her way of working for them. And Alpert/Mittelos play it off like they had nothing to do with it....yeah right.

- I think Tom was going to say "Becuase when the sky turned purple, we lost communication with our off Island contacts" or something to that extent.

- it was really great to hear the theme from S1 again (the one we hear in full at the end of "Do No Harm") as Sawyer and Kate rowed away

- now, this was not the case, but I think it woulda been a cute Easter Egg if the pack of tissues that Ethan handed Juliet in the morgue was Dharma brand.

That's all I have for this week.


S3E07 "Not In Portland"

Some first round viewing notes:

- What an AMAZING shot to open the episode after 13 weeks. The folks in the Cinematography Dept get an A++ from me for this episode just for giving us this shot

- 4cc's in the needle Juliet gave her sister in the first FB

- as soon as I saw Ethan, I said to myself "holy crap, they are gonna confirm Off Island Hanso/Dharma agents tonight!!" (and they did too)

- I was ROTFL at Sawyer deliberately hitting Pickett's head 3 times into the food button so he would get shocked

- as soon as Juliet's Ex said he wanted in, I knew whatever it was she was doing was gonna be the reason that Hanso/Dharma was lookin into her.

- "you have 3 minutes" Jack says to Juliet - just like Miss Klugh said to Michael about Walt last season.

- MittelosBioscience, privately funded - BY THE HANSO FOUNDATION (don't forget to say that part )


- What was the book that the Hydra guard was reading? It was "A Brief Story of...." and I couldn't see the last word. (I got my answer later - "A Brief Story of Time" by Stephen Hawking)


- Karl is held in Room 23 - THE NUMBERS ARE BACK

- the only thing that I saw that flashed in that crazy video (that I was so toughly hoping was gonna be a TLE tie-in, but oh well ) was something like "He loves you like God loved Jacob." The only reason it stood out was the JACOB reference. That and a few frames after, we see none other than Gerald DeGroot (in the same shot he's seen in the Swan Orientation film).

- I'm sorry, but YAY!!! Pickett is dead!!! That guy was a real jerk.

- As Jack "fixed" Ben, the number seen on his cart (blood pressure or something, I don't know) was 108 then it changed to something else real fast. I'll have a cap of it later

- I thought that was an amazing tie in of Jack's story about the girl's surgery he messed up and fixed paralleling what he was doing with Ben. Very well shot. Ver cool concept. Good one, TPTB

- 3 years, 2 months, 28 days has Juliet been on the Island. Now who wants to tell me what day she arrived?

- Again I say, the confirmation that HANSO/DHARMA has "Off-Island" recruitment was the biggest part of this episode for me. It explains how Kelvin got there for one, and also puts ALOT of backing behind ALVAR HANSO and his Hanso Foundation running the whole show. Ben, Jacob?, the top of the chain is ONE MAN. And I firmly believe that ONE MAN is none other than ALVAR HANSO.

Caps coming tomorrow (or late tonight if I can get to it )

