Tuesday, March 18, 2008

S4E07 "Ji Yeon"

Apologies for the lateness in updating - I've been a busy Truff. :P
Now I'm NOT going to post all of my "notes" from the episode here, simply because I don't want to look like an idiot again - thank you very much TPTB! >:-(
But here's the little I'm keeping intact:

Good eppy, not great, but still LOST.

First round notes:

- what was the book Regina was reading?

- HAHAHA poor Jin got taxi-jacked and his panda stolen!

- DAMN!!! Juliet tells Jin about Sun's affair.

- the music during Bernard's "karma" speech was just AWESOME.

- okay, so was that Regina juming into the water? Gettin Zoe Bell for what, 3 lines and then a mysterious death? I hope that wasn't her....

- so the cap'n spills the beans.....but "dont trust the captain".....oh well....still sounded like some solid info to me....

- YAY its Michael. FINALLY. Oh, excuse me...."Kevin Johnson". (neener neener)

- Where is WALT?

- you suck, TPTB. Jin's "FB" was totally pointless other than to trick us. I'll forgive you this one cause I just know the rest of the season is going to ROCK!! :D

Starting with the mid season mini cliffhanger and what did they say in the preview....someone is going to....DIE!?!?!? Oh no!!

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