Friday, February 16, 2007

S3E08 "Flashes Before Your Eyes"

First watch notes:

- MacCutcheon Whiskey - as soon as they said the name, I knew it had some sort of significance.

- When Desmond turned the key, his life "FLASHED BEFORE HIS EYES". Very creative, the episode title. BUT....does everyone remember when THE EXACT SAME THING happened to Mr. Eko right before he saw "Yemi" in "?"; AND when Eko first encountered Smokey in "The 23rd Psalm" what did we see? FLASHES OF EKO'S LIFE IN SMOKEY. What's up with all that?

- 1:08...BEEP BEEP BEEP (its only the microwave)

- I'll have caps of Widmore's office ASAP - this guy is IN on the "Island" dealings. Namaste backwards, Polar bear statue, etc.....

- um....His "FOUNDATION" is sponsoring the race around the as in HANSO FOUNDATION??? Did Charles Widmore OVERTHROW Alvar Hanso and steal his family secret?? Or are they working together??

- WIDMORE INDUSTRIES - finally a company name. Now who wants to bet a million fansites pop up for this one overnight?

- Wow!! Charlie in Desmond's um....I wanna say FB....but....*brain fart*..."and then it started to RAIN" - this is a trend on LOST, folks being able to predict the rain.

- I will need caps to confirm this, but it looks as if in the S2 Finale, Penelope answers the phone IN DESMONDS FLAT. The nightstand is in the right spot, the clock (if I remember correctly) is identical, and the gold headboard bars are the same as well. (after checking caps, I'm wrong on this one)

- WHO WAS THAT OLD WOMAN AND HOW THE HELL DID SHE KNOW ALL THAT STUFF?????? (we learned that her name is Mrs. Hawking - I forget where)

Okay....I'm brain is dripping again....

*goes to get mop*


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