Thursday, May 10, 2007

S3E20 "The Man Behind the Curtain"

First round notes:

- Emily and Roger - Ben's parents. Born near Portland.

- I liked the reveal of Roger Workman being Ben's father.


- Nice. Alex gives Locke a gun. "Happy Birthday Dad".

- Ben's "mom" on Island, that was Smokie. The "hostiles" including RICHARD ALPERT seem to be in league with BOTH Smokie AND the Whispers!! Oh, and not to mention that they don't appear to age!! (at least Richard) *head asplodes*

- what did Ben cross over? Gunpowder? The "Dark Territory"? If it was gunpowder, might it be to create a fire perimeter?

- 54439, young Ben enters the code, disabling the fence and causing "THE INCIDENT".....I think.....speculation here. We didn't "see" any repurcussions of Ben turning off the fence, but the timeline is about right.


- Jacob is invisible and a telekenetic? That's kinda weak IMO. I'm sure once I know more I'll be like "oh, so that is what that was" but for now...meh.

- BEN is the last living member of the DHARMA Initiative!! Wow!!

- The PURGE!!!! Holy Crap!!!!

- Locke IS NOT DEAD. If he was dead, they would've shown him dying. Completely dead, not left still moving around in pain. The ISLAND will heal him. We'll all think he's dead, but he knows where Jacob is now, so I bet Locke comes back and saves the day.

Caps and more notes tomorrow.

Discuss on.


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