Wednesday, April 4, 2007

S3E15 "Left Behind"

That eppy was AWESOME!!

Some first round notes:

- Damn....Juliet seems to have "super strength" like Ethan - she counters Kate's stick attack very fast, and in the jungle when she grips Kate's wrist, they deliberately show how red Kate's wrist was when Juliet let go.

- "Ain't gonna get the Korean vote" - HAHAHAHAHA!!!

- the tree that Hurley is hangin the clothes on is the same one seen when (I forget which eppy) Sun tells Kate she's pregnant. I'll have comparison caps later.

- was that the same actress who has always played Diane Austen? She looked so different in this eppy if it was.

- was that thunder? or was it something else?.......SMOKIE!!!!!

- MINDSCANNER!!!!!!!!!! Or.......was it giving Juliet INSTRUCTIONS......hmm......

- the 4th time Juliet's shoulder has been dislocated?? O RLY??? And what would the other 3 times be?? A fertility doctor doesn't normally know how to counter stick attacks and have their shoulder dislocated 4 times.....something else is going on here.

- "I got Hearts and Minds to change" says Sawyer - nice S1 title reference.

- "if I ever see you again, the first thing I'm gonna do is yell fo help" - BAM!!! Explanation of scene from SEASON ONE where Diane wakes up in the hospital bed and the first word out of her mouth is HELP. YES!!!

- OMG. Just OMG. The FENCE keeps OUT SMOKIE!!!! "we know it doesn't like our fence" WHAT???!!! Do they or do they not know about Smokie??

- what was the code Juliet put in for the fence?


- I loved the new theme at the end of the eppy. Michael Giacchino is AWESOME!!!

- I hereby predict that Sawyer will deliver Sun's baby.

- "we go back" You have HOUSES. PLUMBING. REFRIDGERATION. The person with the CODE to the FENCE that keeps out SMOKIE. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LEAVING??? Unless you're goin to get everyone and bring em all back....

- HOW DID THEY DISAPPEAR INTO THIN AIR??? This is KEY. VERY significant. We'll find out soon enough I think.

Next week.....ANSWERS!!!! Good Lord.....MORE ANSWERS!!!! YES!!!!

Caps and more notes tomorrow.

Discuss on.


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