Wednesday, April 25, 2007

S3E18 "D.O.C."

First Round Notes:

- at least Jack could've actually stayed to help Sun with the garden after he questioned her....

- so we now have Paik Heavy Industries and Paik Automotive.....again, I am betting on websites to spring up for this one.


- yeah, I saw that little smirk on Juliet's face after Sun and Kate walked away.....MOLE!!!!!

- I would really love to know how the hell Mikhail is still alive.

- nice shot of Sun on the beach. Will be in the caps post tomorrow

- so what, now Jin's paternity is in question? His father said he wasn't even sure he was the father, so....let the speculation begin.

- anyone catch the code for Paik's safe? I think I saw him put in a 5-8....??

- 5x sperm count on the Island!!! Whoah!!!

- the big reveal - Jin IS the father of Sun's baby

- the even BIGGER reveal - the parachutist says that flight 815 was found and there were no survivors. So....I imagine a good many kittens will die because of this. But I'd much rather go with some sort of alternate dimension/time/portal thing than *youknowwhat*.....

Anyways, good eppy. More tomorrow.

Discuss on.


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