Here are my addendum notes and screencaps for this episode:
- The opening sequence was modeled directly after the opening shots seen in S1E1 "Pilot":
Pilot - The Eye

Further Instructions - The Eye

Pilot - Looking up into the trees

Further Instructions - Looking up into the trees

Pilot - pan back to full body shot

Further Instructions - pan back to full body shot

Pilot - hear noise in jungle, look left

Further Instructions - hear noise in jungle, look left

- When Locke sees Desmond, he's running around naked and what appeared to be VERY disoriented, like the "where the hell am I? I was just somewhere TOTALLY different a second ago!"
- the new writing on the Jesus stick -

- Charlie says to Locke "so you've been gone for a whole day, after a massive Hatch detonation. You don't call, you don't write" - two things of note here: Locke, Eko, and Desmond have been missing for a whole day. And that last part of the line was the same thing Charlie said to Eko when he found him in the Hatch - so Charlie said the line to Eko in Locke's Hatch, and to Locke in Eko's Church. Interesting.
- the parachute that Charlie is tying up is not Henry Gale's balloon. No big smiley face in the middle. This is quite possibly the chute from the food drop.

- Nice shoutout to "Altered States" - Charlie to Locke "you're gonna go into your little magic hut, and I'm gonna stand out here in case you devolve into a monkey"
The Airport Dream Sequence: "John, someone in this airport is in some serious danger. You are the only one who can save them"
Charlie, Claire, and baby Aaron are seen looking like a happily married couple - "Not them, they'll be fine, for a while"

Sayid, Sun, and Jin are seen waiting in line - "I think Sayid's got it"

Hurley is seen as a ticket agent, entering the Numbers into the computer - "Not Hurley"

Desmond is seen as what I think is a Pilot with 3 female flight attendants - "Forget it, he's helping himself"

Sawyer and Kate are seen waiting to go through the metal detector, Sawyer flashes a brochure (it appears to be for "Gannon Car Rentals" with a pic of the Golden Gate Bridge)

Jack is seen putting his watch in the tray and walking through the metal detector

Ben is seen wanding Jack

"There's nothing you can do for them. Not yet. First you have to clean up your own mess."
Boone tells Locke to "come up here" and at the top of the escalator is the Jesus Stick all bloody - "Clean it up, John"

Zombie Boone is seen - "They've got him. You don't have much time"

And as Locke goes to get up out of the tent, he sees the Polar Bear come at him.

- "Sawyer killed A Polar Bear" - that's right, Locke helped Michael rescue Walt from the Polar Bear. They only knifed that one, it ran off into the jungle still very much alive.
- Here are some shots of Locke's Gun Licences:

- I've seen it mentioned elsewhere, and I'd like to agree that if the Hatch imploded as it appears it did, the 3 who survived would've been crushed. I think they were taken out of there by someone or something right before the implosion. Where Locke and Eko were "taken" to remains to be seen (they WERE gone a whole day), but I really think somehow Desmond remotely viewed the future; not very far into the future but far enough to realize what was happening when the Deja Vu started. Cause there's no way they would've gotten out of this alive:

- getting any kind of clear shot of the Polar Bear chasing Locke and Charlie is damn near impossible. The FX dept did a good job blurring the frames so you can't see how crappy the bear looks when it moves
- so Locke finds out that "the guy they had in the Hatch, Henry" is the leader of the Others. YAY for Hurley being smart and telling Locke what happened instead of keeping the details to himself (like they usually yeah, we found another hatch, and it was a medical station and there were fake beards and costumes and stuff....)
- "Polar Bears are like the Einsteins of the Bear Community" says Charlie. So DHARMA liked working with intelligent animals (Juliet mentioned Dolphins as well)
- HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Charlie's little comment about Locke and the hairspray was great!! - and again....HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Hurley hears a rustling in the jungle and he calls out "Bear? Is that you?"
- Nice. We got our badass Locke back

- now in the caves, it looks like there are many bones, human and animal.

A toy truck that seems very out of place...

And the DHARMA Pearl logo is seen on what looks like a burlap sack

next to which is a very odd looking just doesn't look right to me for some reason, human, but not.....

- "if you had this magic key the whole time, how come you didn't, um, use it?" - good question Hurley. I like Hurley. He seems to be the one of the only ones who knows how to use his head. "Because I didnt know what would happen" - good reply, Desmond, but someone who is alot smarter than anyone there once said "From the dawn of our species, man has been blessed with curiosity".
- Desmond didnt experience the humming and the lights when the failsafe key was turned. This makes me think even more that he was "teleported" into the near future by someone or something. He also seems to be confused as to what happened at first. He mentions Locke's speech in such a "matter-of-fact" way that when Hurley questions it, Desmond just claims he's "a little shook up" - but I think this is when it clicks in his head what happened to him.
- 2 weeks in a row now we've seen one of the Losties confronted with whether or not to shoot someone. Last week it was Sun and Colleen, this week it was Locke and Eddie. Both Colleen and Eddie say practically the same thing to their assailant "you're not going to shoot me. You're not a murderer. You're a good man/person" - But Sun shot, while Locke did not.
- Locke speaks to the Island and asks for forgiveness, and it replies through Eko "you can still save them. After all, you are a hunter, John"
- to close, I offer this shot of the community that Locke was living in -

And this cap of Desmond, right as Hurley realizes what just happened (Desmond "seeing the future"). I call it "The Prophet:
