Thursday, December 28, 2006

S3E01 "A Tale of Two Cities"

Wow. That was FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!

Here are my notes for this episode:

- Nice Eye Shot to open felt very much like the opener for S2 with the music and the chores then all of a sudden BAM!!! But last time it was the Hatch door blown open, this time, it was the EMP and Flight 815 crashing

- That was hands down the coolest intro I have ever seen. I thought "The Other 48 Days" was badass...but this....this....HOLY CRAP!!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!

- Jack's car radio was playing "Moonlight Serenade" in the first FB - this is the same song that Sayid and Hurley got on the tranciever that one night

- Blood was taken from all 3 captives

- Kate in the shower......wet Kate......'nuff said

- "The next two weeks are going to be unpleasant" - yes, I agree, that sounds like our 6 episode mini season to me.

- Did Jack imagine the intercom repeating Christian's voice from the past saying "let it go", or did it really happen? (somehow)

- "What the hell is going on here?" - good Jack. Finally an intelligent question!! Too bad you didnt get an answer....yet

- There were big zoo like cages all over the place as Sawyer attempted escape

- How did Sawyer know Karl's name?? Must've been a scene they cut (for some reason...???)

- definite tension between Juliet and Benry....I like it

- confirmation that the current group of Dharma is responsible for the Polar Bears when Tom tells Sawyer that it only took the Bears 2 hours to figure out the Skinner Box (though he doesn't refer to it as such)

- Nice, and aquarium for the Dharma Sharks. AND Dolphins - now there are TONS of possibilities here cause dolphins are very intelligent creatures...

- THE HYDRA!!! THE UNDERWATER STATION!!! FINALLY!!! CONFIRMATION!!! I cannot tell yal how long I have been waiting for this. Oooh, I am gonna have me some fun with them Maps now....

- So now the question is - How did they get their info on Jack?

Addendum notes and caps to follow.


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