Thursday, December 28, 2006

S3E04 "Every Man For Himself"

They did it again. AMAZING Episode!!!!

Now for some first round notes:

- I could tell right away when Desmond was looking at Aaron that he "knew" something....

- Okay, so I freaked out a little here. The "Blue Danube"/Ugly Duckling Looney Toones cartoon that was playing for Jack is one of my ABSOLUTE ALL TIME FAVORITES from when I was a little kid, so I SQUEEEEEEEED rather hard at that

- "The SUB is back" - confirmation. The GALAGA is a Submarine. That is so freakin cool I can't even begin to put it into words now.

- More confirmation - its DANNY Pickett - Not "daddy" not "denny"

- Sawyer is prisoner #840

- Is it me or did Ben seem rather strong, like Ethan-strong when he beat up Sawyer?

- they were very deliberate as to show 2 bandages on Sawyer, very good at creating the illusion of the con, which my brother totally called, but I fell for when I saw the scar.

- Wow.....Sawyer has a daughter, that one was kinda a shocker

- It really seemed as if the Others didn't have a Doctor. But after seeing what they did to Sawyer and watching Ben let Jack sit with dead Colleen "for a while longer" makes me think this is yet another con.

- Juliet's white "doctor" shirt bears the HYDRA logo, she says she is a fertility Doctor. That will help along a few theories out there I think

- Tumor on the spine, I bet anything its Ben (but also possibly another part of the Con to make Jack join them)

- Just like Walt and Locke, now Desmond has predicted the rain, and not only that, he built a lightning rod and saved Aaron.

- Rain comes, bad stuff happens. This time, Desmond stopped it.

- Unit 23C thats where the $ is...

- Another ISLAND!!! HOLY CRAP!!! The first thing I thought of was the Blast Door Map overlayed onto Rousseau's maps and this was there the entire time, just no other Island on her map - it was on the Blast Door Map right where its supposed to be!!

- "You're pretty good, Sawyer - we're alot better" - Understatement of the Season right there.



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