- "well, Ben, at least you won't have to be disappointed for long" - oh SNAP!! This is a side of Jack we haven't seen yet!
- why was Sawyer going to be given the day off from working?
- Locke thinks that Smokie might be what brought them there, and Eko died for a reason that he doesn't know yet - very interesting. Also, very nice shot of Eko's funeral with the sun coming through the trees:
- "Did the Doctor get out again?" says Pickett into his walkie talkie. That was one little incident when Jack got out the first time and only Ben and Juliet were involved. Seems like the Others may do something that the Losties usually don't do - talk to each other about whats happened, if Pickett knew about Jack's first escape attempt. "Well does he know?" I am guessing he's referring to Ben here, another indication that Ben might have been some sort fo father figure to Alex.
- "How did she get over here?" totally implies that Alex knows how to get from one Island to the other, and I think she'll be the one who helps Kate and Sawyer escape. Pickett also says "someone's on the GRID".
- why wasn't Alex supposed/allowed to be on the work site/Hydra compound? Pickett says to her "You know you're not supposed to be here"
- Pickett and Juliet's convo at the work site:
Pickett: I don't understand, it was supposed to be two weeks
Juliet: Our schedule's been moved up
Pickett: Is that an order?
Juliet: Coming from him.
Pickett: its stupid
Juliet: its not my call, its the way it is
- there are several new images seen on the monitors in Ben's viewing room:
In this first one, they all look new to me, except maybe 3 and 6. #1 is the OR, #2 might be the work site, and #4 looks to be a road
This one is good. #3 is lookin at what now? Is that the other Island in the distance?
#2 here looks the be the front entrance to the Hydra (the cam looks like its under the canopy walkway)
so we all see Kate and Sawyer on #2, but what about below them? That sure looks like a long underground tunnel or corridor to me....but I later realized that its a shot from underneath the canopied walkway near the cages.
- Kate had a timer on her to time the lentgh of the phone call to Marshall Mars so it couldn't be traced - she is SLICK, that Kate!!
- Marshall Mars makes reference to the Feast of Ascension and lots of Holy days have past since Kate last called. Why?
- "Shut up, James!" - damn....boy you know you're in trouble when she's using your real name there
- it looks like Kevin and Monica...erm, Kate lived in Miami
- "if I were a betting man, I would've picked her or you" - Ben is still tryin to mess with Jack, even with a gun in his face!
- I don't have a cap to close with, so I'll just say again, that Jack's play at the end of the episode was one of the most intense scenes I've seen on tv in quite a while
Again I say - FEB 7th can't get here fast enough!! BRING IT ON!!!
I'll be back here then with all new notes and caps. Til then....
1 comment:
Nice work on the Blog Truff! Nice crisp screencaps and clean look.
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