- the opening shot of Desmond is what I believe to be him "seeing" the future (Claire's tent/Aaron getting struck by lightning):
- oooh, here's something we haven't seen since S1 = Claire's Diary!!
- OMG one of my favorite cartoons!! "The Blue Danube"!!
- "you can talk to him all you want, but he won't tell you anything" - Juliet to Jack about talking to Benjamin. Well that's a no brainer. Ben only gives up what he wants. In the world of the Others, you only know as much as they want you to.
- I like how Jack is acting like Ben was when they had him captive, trying to cause dissention in the ranks by continued insinuation that Ben was "the man in charge". "Well, it doesnt work that way over here, Jack, we make decisions together" - of course you do. And yes, that might be how they run things "over here" but "over THERE", in the outside world, there's one man in charge of the whole operation. HIM. Alvar Hanso. Where do you think they got the submarine? The same place they get their food and supplies - The Hanso Foundation.
- "sounding a little stuffy there, chinatown. Need to blow your nose?" - Sawyer to Pickett. Those great Sawyer lines just keep on coming. Whoever has been writing for Sawyer is doing an amazing job!
- "2 days since the sky turned purple, we've been blind. Our comms are all down and I can't get em back up again" - so does this mean they have now lost contact with the outside world? The boss is gonna wonder what happened. And from the tone of his voice, it sounds like Tom doesn't think this con of Sawyer is all that important given all the other issues they're dealing with currently.
- They did a great job of scaring the crap out of Sawyer when they gave him the stick to bite on...."Its for the pain".....this look here says FEAR:
- from the look of Sawyer's "pacemaker scar", they didn't even stitch him up! (I put that cap as a link so the squeamish wouldn't have to see it again if they didn't wanna )
- here's what I could make out from the second time Jack heard audio from the intercom: It sounds like an intercepted conversation - V1:"..under control." V2:"Yeah, you know (hard to hear, Jack is moving)..." V1:"(I don't think he) knows what he is doing" V2:"It was a mistake bringing those two here"
- they make sure they bag Jack's head and run the sirens as he's moved from his cell to where he attempts to save Colleen. They didn't mind Kate seeing Sawyer in the cage, but for some reason, they don't want Jack to know about the well-being of his friends. All part of the long con they're pulling on him. "Well this is not why...." says Ben as he protests Jack's involvement in saving Colleen, "Do you want her to die?" Juliet asks as she interrupts Ben from finishing his sentence, which I think might have been "Well this is not why we brought him here".
- Props to the FX dept. folks for the lightning rod sequence:
- the look on Desmond's face after this happens is priceless too. Its the "holy crap, I was right" look:
- the large tumor is on a man, roughly 40 years old, on his L4 vertibrae. Here is the X-Ray if any of you Doctor folks can validate what Jack said:
- HOLY CRAP!! Its a second Island!! btw - LostTv's Yung23 called this shot long before we saw it here.
- in closing, I give you one of the final images from this episode that I call "Trapped":
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