- during the "previously on LOST" segment, Benry says "You're coming with us" which sounds a little more malicious than what he actually said in "Live Together, Die Alone" which was "You're friends are coming home with us"
- Juliet selects the Talking Heads "Speaking in Tongues" from her CD collection, but thats not what plays when she puts it in the CD player; instead its "Downtown" by a female singer (sounds like the early 70s)
- the whole Others village looked so normal, I couldn't tell if I was looking at a FB in the outside world or not. I thought we might be seeing some off Island background to this new Other, Juliet (possibly a connection to one of the Losties). I mean, look how "normal" this looks - never would've suspected this place to be on our Island -
- "here I am thinking that free will still actually exists on..." said Juliet to Adam right before the shaking started. I would love to know what words she would've used to finish that sentence. "Our Island", "the Island", "HIS Island", or something else??
- when Benry came out of his house, he immediately began to look up. I think they knew a plane was gonna crash, but they didn't know exactly when (through Remote Viewing). Thats why they were still prepared to spring into action when they realized it was happening. This shot is one of my favorites EVER on LOST -
- In the first FB, Jack's pager reads 7:15:23 AM, and there is also a completed crossword puzzle. Some words I see are: NecessaryEvils, Prenatal, Raft, Heroes, Boom, Poe, Required..., Essential..., Vital Statistics, Ella
- when Jack decides to scream for help, the first thing he does is yell for Kate...
- the soundboard in the control room for Jack's "cell" is quite complex looking for something that just operates a single speaker PA system/bullhorn
- Kate's nice dress is in Locker #841
- "I wanted to give you something nice to hold on to. Because, Kate, the next two weeks are going to be very unpleasant" - what a great line, delivered impeccably by Benry. Mike Emerson is such an amazing actor.
- here are some of the larger cages that Sawyer runs past while attempting to escape -
- Christian's hospital jacket says "C. Shephard, M.D. Chief of Surgery"; so it looks like after he went and got help for his drinking the first time, the hospital didn't take his license away
- The Dharma logos on food products: The ones dropped at the Swan all had the Swan logo on them, while all the products seen at the Hydra are just the bagua with a black circle and the word Dharma written in white in the middle.
- Juliet is good at dodging questions. For example, Jack: "That button, what's it for?", Juliet: "its for emergencies". Jack: "who's watching me?", Juliet: "are you going to sit against the wall so I can open the door?" Nice. Answer a question with a question. Isn't that a psychologists trick? And the best one she just stares and walks away..."what the hell is going on here??"
- Doesn't this just make you hungry?
- The HYDRA, the underwater zoological Dharma station, where the study of sharks, dolphins, and polar bears (at least) took place. So now we have: The Swan, The Pearl, The Flame (we havent seen this one yet), The Cauduceus (or Staff), The Arrow (even though we only saw a bunker for it), and The Hydra. That looks like all of the 6 original Dharma stations to me. Now to figure out what each was originally intended for and how this current incarnation of the Dharma Initiative has changed them....
- The Others are indeed the remnants of the Dharma Initiative, although it seems apparent that the original intent of it was abandoned for something else. Jack: "So you people are just whatevers left over of them?" Juliet: "Well, that was a long time ago. It doesn't matter who we were, it only matters who we are."
- "What would you like to find out?" yet another blown opportunity by Jack. I would've asked again and again, Where Am I? and What the hell is going on here?
- so it looks like Jack's accusations of his father sleeping with his wife was the final blow that got Christian to break down and drink again.
- and once again, Benry steals the show with a look....
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