- the breaking of the ballerina and the lie that follows is a great foreshadowing to what we see from Sun in this episode, ie - Dark Sun
- its been over a day since Sayid lit the fire/smoke signal for J-S-K
- here's the last shot of Danielle's Map that we're gonna get for a while (if not ever). It shows Sayid marking the area where the Pala Ferry Docks are -
- "I can help you sail the boat" says Sun. Did she pick it up from Jin? Or has she had sailing experience that Jin doesn't know about? Hmmm...
- I agree that Kelvin kept the discovery of Desmond's wrecked boat a secret from both Desmond AND the Others; and that's why Ben doesn't know about it. They knew what was going on in the Swan Hatch though. Tom hinted that they knew the Losties had gone into the Swan when he said "opening doors to rooms you got no business opening"
- sounded to me like Colleen called Pickett "Denny", coulda been "Danny" too
- the Galaga - well I know I heard it last night, but as I'm watchin it now, the audio quality is reduced and I can't make out what Colleen says to Pickett about the boat.
- how many of yal went WHOAH!! when the camera panned back from Sun lying in bed and JAE sat up next to her! I only say this cause I think thats the effect they were goin for with this shot - Jae sits up really fast instead of slowly sitting up and coming into clear view. Props to Paul Edwards, director, for pullin off a great shot
- there is indeed a motor on the Elizabeth. Why else have a gas can? Sayid uses one to start the signal fire at the Pala Ferry beach, and Sun is seen with another one after Sayid empties the first one.
- after a closer look at the work field, it looks like they're clearing a specific area - they're marking it with yellow flags on sticks and white ties on ropes all over the borders. I wonder why they're clearing such a large area.
- this is the closest shot we get to seeing the Plans for whatever the Others are going to construct in this area that they're clearing out and marking -
- if the Others aren't DHARMA, why do all of their products bear the DHARMA logo in some way? Seen again here is the logo that we saw on the shark on Juliet's canteen.
- here's a gratuitous shot of Kate digging....again, Thank You TPTB :)
- Sawyer's fight - first he decks Pickett and takes the gun, then turns around and smacks the pretty-boy that was talkin to Juliet right in the face with the butt of the rifle. Then a large man with a moustache tries to shock Sawyer, but Sawyer takes the taser and tries to shock him. But the safety is on (this is how he knows this later), and Sawyer gets punched in the mouth by the big guy. Sawyer does the roll around on the ground to stance with the gun, but its too late, Juliet already has Kate at gunpoint.
- Colleen says there are 5 of her friends on board. So they took a raiding party of 6, including Colleen and Tom. And this guy -
- "I'm told he jumped from a balcony" says Mr. Paik to Sun. That sure sounds like he had a hand in it if you ask me. (oh well...TPTB later confirm in the podcast that Jae did indeed jump)
- here are some caps of Ben's viewing room -
- today is November 29 (note - no year given), the survivors of flight 815 have been on the Island 69 days - finally given confirmation on the date and duration.
- I don't think that whatever Ben is gonna eventually ask Jack to do in exchange for freedom is gonna be a very easy decision for Jack to make. Why do I get the feeling its gonna involve someone dying....
- And to close, my favorite two shots from this episode:
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